As a previous reader of Steve Chalke and Alan Mann’s The Lost Message of Jesus, I leapt at the opportunity to review their Different Eyes: The Art of Living Beautifully for Zondervan. Chalke and Mann see the pursuit of a virtuous Christian life as categorically different from a moral existence based exclusively in rule following and different from one based in a utilitarian pursuit of the greatest good. In so doing, they come along side a slew of philosophers and theologians attempting to meld virtue ethics and Christian theology. They are among those attempting to utilize resources found in the virtue tradition of Aristotle and Aquinas within the bounds of Christian ethical reflection.
They argue that this particular ethical paradigm is rooted in an accurate envisioning of holy God. The Dame Iris Murdoch once wrote, “True vision occasions right conduct.” This is a bit of what Chalke and Mann mean. However, whereas Murdoch espoused that the true vision would be beholding something of a Platonic form of the good, Chalke and Mann have their eyes set on the God of Israel who is not only transcendent, but immanent as well. Further, they envision of God in whose image humanity is created. Envisioning God helps humanity understand for what purpose they were made. In short, humans are made to reflect the image of God in this earth through word and deed. Said another way, God’s followers are to join in and become co-narrators of the ongoing story of redemption and renewal God is currently telling.
Chalke and Mann provide a pithy introduction to the virtue ethics. Theirs is a good first step for the virtue ethics dilettante. As for further reading, the authors provide a worthy “Suggested Reading” list at the end of their work for those hoping to delve deeper into some of the many areas addressed in this book. As for further doing, this reader hopes to envisage God better and therefore act in better accord with the purpose for which I was created.